
愿知识之光普照大地。.  正确的光.

长期以来,室外区域照明一直被一个看似简单的问题所困扰. 用户想要的效率,舒适性和控制,都在同一个灯具. 但选择其中任何一个都会损害第三个. 直到现在.

发表于: 4/18/2023

长期以来,室外区域照明一直被一个看似简单的问题所困扰.  用户想要的效率,舒适性和控制…都在同一个灯具.

但选择其中任何一个都会损害第三个.  直到现在.

Transcending this push-pull was the motivation behind the development of one of 克里族照明’s most important advances in recent years – our new NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台.


NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台 distills the best of two decades of ground-breaking optical engineering into a modular system with near-universal applicability. 就像之前的纳米光学十大赌博信誉的平台一样, NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台提供卓越的效率和控制, 同时将视觉舒适度提升到新的水平. NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台 adds unsurpassed glare control 和 visual comfort to the high-efficiency, precisely controlled illumination that made NanoOptic® 十大赌博信誉的平台 an industry st和ard in outdoor lighting.

比如NanoOptic®十大赌博信誉的平台, NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台 takes advantage of the fact that LEDs are point sources that emit light across 180° or less. 与之形成鲜明对比的是,灯泡的光线大致为360度. That means at least half the light they produce must be redirected to where it will be useful – 和 that inevitably degrades efficiency 和 precise control.

The basic building block of NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台 is a compact 4x4 array of LEDs. Each of the 16 LEDs in a module is in contact with its own acrylic polymer lens to 捕获 和 precisely direct light - the gold st和ard for preserving efficiency 和 control.

这些微小的光源在很小的表面区域内封装了大量的亮度. 直到现在, packing all that light into a small space could lead to harshness, pixelation 和 glare.   


The Illuminating Engineering Society’s (IES) technical definition for glare is “the sensation produced by 亮度 within the 视野 它足够大于 亮度 眼睛适应的引起烦恼、不适或迷失的 视觉表现 和 可见性.” DarkSky defines glare as “excessive brightness that causes visual discomfort”. 我们大多数人可能很难定义什么是眩光, 但当我们看到它时,我们都知道它, 不幸的是, 我们可能经常在晚上的户外空间看到它.

如果我们都不喜欢眩光,那为什么它看起来如此普遍呢? 首先,眩光不是一个新现象,是由LED灯具造成的. HID fixtures, the predecessors to LED technology, certainly struggled with glare. 其次,我们视野中的不均匀性增强了对眩光的感知. 一个例子是明亮的车灯在晚上接近你. The contrast of this bright source surrounded by darkness can certainly present challenges related to glare. 但如果是同一辆车, 有相同的前灯, 在相同的强度下, 白天来找你, 对比度很小,也没有眩光的问题. Unfortunately, it’s likely important to recognize that reducing glare at night is not an easy task. 就像夜晚的车灯, lighting fixtures viewed against a dark sky create significant contrast 和 the potential for glare.

Although managing glare in parking lot applications can be difficult, it is possible. At the same light output - with all other things being equal - more light sources, 单独产生的光更少, 在更大的表面积上, 会比减少光源更有效地控制眩光吗, 单独产生更多的光, 在更小的表面积上. 科锐照明的OSQ系列C 前者呢?, 和 then enhances the visual experience further through its NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台, sculpting 和 cutting facets into each optic to relieve glare 和 harsh light common in other LED products.

能产生更均匀光线的光学系统, 在更大的表面积上, 也有助于减少对比度和眩光.
能产生更均匀光线的光学系统, 在更大的表面积上, 也有助于减少对比度和眩光.

Another significant way to reduce glare is to limit the direct view of the light source. 用于街道和区域照明, this means eliminating the use of products that require tilt 和 moving beyond the belief that tilting 和 aiming light is a good thing. Both the DarkSky’s Fixture Seal of Approval 和 Design Lights Consortium’s (DLC) LUNA (Light Usage for Night 应用程序) programs seek to minimize light pollution, 包括眩光, 通过限制夹具的倾斜不超过+/- 10度, 仅用于调平目的. Well-designed products can be aimed parallel with the ground to reduce direct view of the light source, 同时还能有效地将光分配到目标上, 无需倾斜.

Eliminating or significantly limiting fixture tilt reduces the view of the light source 和 the perception of glare.
图片由Design Lights Consortium (DLC LUNA)提供.
Eliminating or significantly limiting fixture tilt reduces the view of the light source 和 the perception of glare.
图片由Design Lights Consortium (DLC LUNA)提供.

高角度的光线也会产生问题,因为它与眩光有关. IES的B-U-G评级系统(背光), Uplight 和 Glare) includes elements that try to better predict the amount of glare a given luminaire may produce. 就眩光而言, this system pays attention to the amount of light being produced at or above a 60-degree angle (High 和 Very High Glare Zones) that can disproportionately produce more glare than light being produced at lower angles. 这不是一个完美的系统, 在某些情况下, higher angle light is required to provide adequate light levels based on wider pole spacings. 即使是新的建设项目, 将杆子更紧密地放在一起可能需要更多的杆子和固定装置, 导致更多的成本和能源消耗. 因此, B-U-G评级可能更适合作为次要指标, after lighting design has qualified two or more potential products in terms of their ability to achieve the required lighting performance. 一旦确定了这些可接受的解决方案, 可优先选择“G”级最低的全国十大赌博官网. 首先指定“G”评级可能会被证明过于严格, 并且可能会阻碍照明目标的实现.

Light produced above 60-degrees can increase the potential for glare but can also accommodate wider pole spacing.
Light produced above 60-degrees can increase the potential for glare but can also accommodate wider pole spacing.

屏蔽也可以部署,以帮助掩盖光源. 这种方法的缺点是屏蔽也会减少输送的流明, 但不是能源消耗. 在可能的情况下, a better approach is to find optically superior products that can limit glare concerns without shielding. 然而, 因为眩光在某种程度上是主观的, 而且由于场地的具体情况差别很大, 对屏蔽的需求不太可能完全消失.

屏蔽可以帮助遮盖光源以减少眩光, 也减少了输送的流明, 但不是能源消耗.
屏蔽可以帮助遮盖光源以减少眩光, 也减少了输送的流明, 但不是能源消耗.



Lighting design helps validate good-to-great optical design at the application level. Lighting design also provides valuable guidance on appropriate light levels based on the needs of the application 和 can help reduce the urge to over-light our outdoor spaces. 许多人没有意识到夜间过度照明造成的问题. It results in overspending (buying more lumens than you need 和 spending more on energy to produce unnecessary light) 和 introduces more light into an application than is needed, 是什么导致了光污染的增加, 包括增加眩光.

Today there is more awareness around light pollution, 包括眩光, than ever before. But awareness by itself won’t lead to better outcomes as it relates to glare in our outdoor spaces. 我们的夜间环境一次只能改进一个应用程序, 而且只有知识渊博的参与者致力于做得更好. 在某些情况下, this commitment will mean spending a little more for superior products that more effectively manage glare concerns, 同时改善我们所有人的夜间照明体验.  


与Cree照明的新纳米舒适®十大赌博信誉的平台, 你可以消除户外照明的权衡.  The acrylic optics are sculpted 和 cut into facets that relieve the glare 和 harshness.  So you can 捕获 和 precisely direct light to deliver superior visual comfort, 外形美观,效率高, 相信流光只会去你想去的地方.

回报? 更好的光 对所有.  

Oh – 和 克里族照明 luminaires with NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台 are built right here in the U.S.A.






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